Changes Coming April 2022
Hi friends,
We just shipped the 13th round of monthly selections and we’ve taken a little time to reflect on how we can further live up to our promise of exceptional home coffee, made easy.
Listening to your feedback, it Is time for us to make a few changes to create a better experience for you.
First of all, to truly make this experience easier for many you, we will now be offering the option for ground coffee.
New grinding technology, in the Bentwood Vertical 63, has just become available, creating cafe-quality grounds with an emphasis on sweetness and clarity. From the very first cup we tried, we were blown away by the quality this new grinder offers. We’re very excited to bring this amazing quality into your homes.
The Bentwood Vertical 63
We created Acorn Coffee Club to bring you really great coffee every day, with something extra special in each box. This new blend for the Daily Drinker will be made up of coffee from some of our favorite communities we have featured in the past. Expect to find a clean, sweet, smooth & rich experience you can enjoy everyday.
There are three primary reasons for this change:
- A consistently great blend gives you more confidence in your brew every day.
- We can bring you more exciting Magic Seeds.
- Through working with a few selected groups we are able to focus our attention on them; improving our social impact and sustainability.
Covid has had major impacts on coffee farming and narrowed our sourcing options. Throughout the past year we have had multiple occasions where we were not able to feature coffees for your Magic Seeds because there were not coffees available to fill the Daily Drinker position.
The challenges of Covid on coffee production has forced many individual farmers and producer groups to consolidate their harvest. The logistical challenges and added risks have made it impossible for most producers to do the variety of quality separations we have seen in the past.
The dream of Acorn Coffee Club was born well before the pandemic. Two years into this it’s clear we are living in a different world.
Keeping with the tiered format of two coffees from the same place has made it impossible to feature some of our favorite origins. There are so many new and exciting experiences we can share in this new format.
Additionally, we found that by changing the Daily Drinker each month we were not able to give that coffee the attention it deserved. In highlighting each month’s Magic Seeds, your big bag was passively forced to be given less exposure.
Going forward, we can take a little time each month to share more about the communities in the blend as we continue to work with them month after month.
This blend will act as a new collection of communities we have a history with and a direction for our future. By narrowing our focus on a few favorites, we can work more closely with these communities. We will continue to buy from them year after year and will be our top priority as travel begins to return.
Providing consistency in this position helps us give you exceptional home coffee, made easy. By making the Daily Drinker truly your daily drinker, we will help you find your daily coffee routine; one that gives you exceptional coffee at home, everyday. When you find your perfect cup, you can confidently have that experience you love again and again.
We feel that with this new format, you will experience really great coffee that you love everyday, with something extra special in every box.